Sunday, 1 March 2009

an update of some sort.

it's been a while.

i'll update in photos.

day 100 - 19th february

day 100. expressionsss

day 101 - 20th february

day 101.

day 102 - 21st february

day 102.

day 103 - 22nd february

day 103.

also from the 22nd,

Jeremy Warmsley

day 104 - 23rd february

day 104. Unimpressed.

and even more from one of the best days of my life, i miss the spinto band,





day 105 - 24th february

day 105.

just for a joke,

just because

day 106 - 25th february

day 106. my mums glasses :D

day 107 - 25th february

day 107. shoot me down

day 108 - 26th february

day 108. everybodys talkin' at me

then i got tagged and had to take a photo without getting changed/doing my hair or editing it,


day 109 - 27th february

day 109. don't want to lie alone

and todays photo is still being planned. :( i don't really like any of the photos above they lack creativity and stuff. i feel weird. i have work to do and interviews to edit, so i think i'm going to go get ready, do todays photo and then do some work, then some editing. meh.

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