i took atlantic home tonight and every neon light, and sign, spelt out your name
and every morning that i wake
i make a point to check the date incase i slept an extra day
i've crossed so many numbers out
but every time i count them there are so much more"
dave melillo - sam's song
So i've not blogged properly for a good few days. nothing amazing has been happening. everything is just same old and dull to be honest. i'm slowly getting myself into a routine which is a good thing because i get stuff done easier now. well, within reason.
hmmmm. i have work to do but well, work is never appealing. ever. i've done some already anyway, i just need to finish this last part. i'll give you a quick summary of the last few days.
friday i didn't do anything exciting as per. infact i don't even remember what i did...hmmm.
yesterday i went into stockport and manchester with sheridan. we both had to get some photos printed for our portfolios, i got 36 done for £9.90. i think there's 36, i may have miscounted. now i need to actually put my portfolio together. meh. but yeah, we went put sorted that out, went into superdrug to see will, didn't cause he was on till, went into town, sheridan bought some trousers and a skirt and then i went and got my sister, charlottes camera sorted and then into the art cafe for a little tea drinking/relaxing/telling of the bad jokes time. it was nice. then we went back into stockport picked up our prints and both went our serperate ways. oh my god. i've also been learning if i were a boy by beyoncĂ© on keyboard. it's so fun! and i learnt the chorus of rihannas disturbia. easypeasy that chorus ahah.
today i haven't done much, it's been a nice day really, i've just relaxed. although when i was doing my 365 photo, it started to snow!! i love snow but it meant i had to put a tea towel over my camera and i was also running in and out drinking some of my tea to try and keep warm. not fun. it's like 3'c or something according too bbc weather forecast. nice eh? ha. so now i'm doing bits of my history, the odd job for my mum and listening to music. hmmmm, so much random stuff in my head right now!
so i'm going to do some more work now so i can relax for the rest of tonight. my deadlines thursday. wish me luck.
love, victoria.