Sunday, 25 January 2009

"so many destination faces going to so many places,

where the weather is much better,
and the food is so much cheaper.
well i help her with her baggage for her baggage is so heavy,
i hear the plane is ready by the gateway to take my love away.
and i can't believe that she really wants to leave me and it's getting me so,
it getting me so..."
the spinto band - airport (cover, click to listen, i've had it on repeat :D)

i feel good today. i had 2 nice phone calls which is always a bonus.
i'm so sleepy, i'm not sure how i'm going to get up tomorrow. hmmmm. i did a cinderella jigsaw before, it was really cool, i want to do some more. anyone got some jigsaws they can lend me? i forgot how much i liked them lol. i even got to see some stars earlier. i love stars.

i'm so excited for this year. (it's took me 25 days to realise that this year could be amazing if i do certain things)

hearts an fly is going to get somewhere, we're going to take over the world. (well maybe not but the schofield sisters will take over the world at some point and in some way!)
the leftover sessions - we will definately take over some part of the music related world. we have interviews coming up with quite a few people which excites me a hell of a lot. seriously.
projects - i'm going to plan ahead for my photos and stuff. i'm not happy with how there turning out so the only way to make sure i am is by planning.
i need to make a timetable to follow, if not i just do nothing. i refuse to do nothing, i have to many ideas to do nothing.

i am feeling great. (I wont be saying that tomorrow morning.)

love, victoria. xxxxxxxxx

day 75. your not alone

p.s dear world, i am in love with you. lots of love, me.


  1. Meetingz. Innit.

  2. It's so amazing to see someone so happy !

    "Airport, you've got a smiling face", I guess you have too. :)
